NC Marine Fisheries Institutes Wave Limit for Surfers

Citing research that shows a dramatic change in wave action along the North Carolina coast, the NC Division of Marine Fisheries has implemented a limit of three waves per surfer per day along the entire Outer Banks Coastline. The limit was made retroactive to July 1st. The status of the new regulations will be reevaluated after a period of three months.

“Our studies have shown that the intense amount of wave carving in the past year has dramatically impacted the height and quality of waves along the East Coast,” said Skipper Ascot, head of the Division’s section on Regulations and Ruination. “We’re seeing too many ankle breakers and very few of the heavies that most surfers enjoy.”

The new rules have sparked outrage across all demographics in the Outer Banks surfing community. A recent OBX Report poll showed a 98% of respondents were “totally not in favor” or “completely splenetic” over the new rules (the 2% in favor appeared to be posers, barnies and shubies.)

“Dude, I’m so like…Dude…I can’t even. Bogus.” said local surf hero Balboa Ryder.

Surfers will be allowed three waves from sunrise to sunset and the new regulations include a ban on all night surfing. A wave ride will be considered complete once the surfer mounts his or her board. Bailing midway through a ride will not entitle the surfer to another wave. The Division will fine violators $500.00 for every wave ridden in excess of the limit and the individual’s leash will be confiscated.

Separate regulations are being drafted for boogieboarders and will be announced at the end of this month.

The regulation’s impact will stretch deep into the surfing community. Glenn Raul, owner of The Pendulum Surf Shop said the new rules have come at the worst time. “Right in the middle of summer. I might as well close up shop and hang a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign on the door.”

“Good luck with that,” said charter boat captain Pyke Ferret. “And welcome to the club.”

83 thoughts on “NC Marine Fisheries Institutes Wave Limit for Surfers”

  1. Yes ! It’s about time. For a long time I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of sand lost behind my cottage the day after a group of surfers have been swirling around off my beach. It’s easy to see they alter the natural path of the wave and cause it to slice sand off the beach. Thank you marine fisheries!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why did you alter the sand and land to build your cottage? Dunes are bulldozed down to build on the ocean ! Totally altered the dunes that once were there! This is hogwash and hypocritically! It’s called tide coming and going out!


      1. Jill B is a total moron. This would only have to do with money. They likely want to keep surfers away so that paying tourists can have more time to spend money while distroying our coastline.


      2. I totally agree Royal! This is just another bs thing by government to make money! Yet, the OBX thrives on our summer season to make income. Yet new laws for beach driving, fishing, and now surfing? I say it’s stupid plain and simple!!


    2. You’re an idiot! This isn’t real and the surfers had nothing to do with the shifting sands. They float on the surface and have ZERO impact on the “slicing” of sand. Sand and beaches move naturally due to currents and the movement of the tides. Surfers are insignificant in the grand scheme. Stop being an old hag and get a clue.


    3. Do you realize that the surfers and the fishermen are the only reason why we are able to keep this island open??? Do you realize that the tides and the fish have a lot to do with the “change of pattern?” Did you know that the island changes every day due to the tide??? Look at history, you will notice that it is not the surfers that are changing the patterns…it’s called nature!


    4. You are a dumbass!!! Its called mother nature and erosion!!!! A foolish man builds his house apon the sand!!!! The islands move and erode with the tide amd currents!!!!


    5. OMFG. First if all…THIS IS A JOKE ARTICLE. Second. There is no chance in hell any amount of surfing or non surfing activities will change the way a beach erodes. Are you all complete morons? OBX will be gone in 50 years. Your cottage will be gone. Your perfect sand will be gone. They passed laws so you cannot reinforce your dunes. You cannot stop the naturally occurring erosion. Stop crying.


      1. My family came from the OBX 300 years ago. It won’t be gone in 50 years, but it will definitely move. It HAS to move to stay alive. What gets lost on the ocean side, builds up the sound side.


    6. Your Beach,
      Since when is the beach owned by one person.
      This is so funny I have never heard of such.
      My parents have taken me to the beach for many of years and boogie boarding. What is becoming of this world when people can’t have fun in the ocean. People like you are the cause of all this stupid actions.


    7. Sure it’s not beach erosion from storms or rough seas?. That DOES NOT HAPPEN AFTER A SURF SESH… Come on… There are many reason why sand is altered.. Called TIDES!!!! Surfing is a sport. My husband has been surfing for 40 years in the outer banks. This is BS!!! What’s next. Ban building sand castles???


      1. Yes, action is needed right away to halt the building of sand castles. Back when I was a kid, we built a sand castle with a Dixie cup and we got bored with it by the second cupful. Nowadays parents are involved and they’re all trying to get their obnoxious brats to build bigger and bigger castles. And all of these workshops and summer camps! What a disaster! Sand castles up and down the beach are ruining our way of life. Now we’re learning that this digging and molding and displacement of sand is changing the very structure of our beaches and that it will take hundreds of thousands of years to recover. I’m glad to see that a handful of legislators have the guts to tackle this issue, though, and encourage all of you to support their efforts. Write, call, or e-mail your legislators and support the pro-beach activists at the next “Up Beaches, Castles Down” candlelight vigil.


    8. Hahahahahahaha how stupid can you be to actually think this is a real story !!!!! Idiot !!! Not ur beach either!!!!


    9. You have to be crazy to believe that surfers are causing beach erosion. So maybe the fish swimming in the wave are causing erosion also so let’s kill all the fish on the ocean. Maybe the boats that are riding through waves are causing the problem. Let’s fine them if they drive their boat through a wave.
      Sounds stupid now doesn’t it…….. that’s because it is.


    10. First of all it is not YOUR beach. I’m a realtor and home owners DO NOT own our beaches or oceans. Get a grip and loosen up. Stop being such a bitch and worry about what’s going on in this world instead of our surfers#!! Surfers DO NOT cause beach erosion never had never will. Gripe about something worth worring about like the economy of the US and the warfare and futures of our children and grandchildren. Please!!! This has got to be one of the stupidest crap I’ve ever heard of!!! As a won’t last long.


    11. Totally agree, and the impact can be seen way way waaaay inland. Some dirt moved in my back yard in Durham and I just knew someone had ridden too many waves in the OBX


    12. Years ago,, people knew not to build right on the ocean. There shouldn’t be cottages on those banks! You are the one in the wrong!


    13. Might be the dumbest statement I have ever read in my life. I don’t blame you for your complete retardedness


  2. Totally ridiculous if this is true! Then pass a law about boats (pollution) and people ;(pollution) being in the water!


  3. dang it, I caught four waves the other day. Who do send that $500 check to? I’ll write it up immediately.


  4. What! If it were April I would say good joke!
    But really??!!!
    A lot of businesses count on people coming to the beach to enjoy the surf!

    Someone with big money and policital influence pushed this because they didn’t want to see people in the ocean in front of their Million Dollar cottage!

    More laws, less freedom!


  5. Listen, Mr. Royal ! My family has owned our cottage for almost 100 years and I know of what I speak. When surfing got so popular our beach started eroding in the summer and it never did that in the 1950’s. Even the dolphin stay away when these hippies are around ! I say Go Away! and thanks fisheries people !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excuse my being frank ma’am, but I’m in the military. I don’t fight for the freedoms of our people and country so you (and others) can take the right everyone has to enjoy the ocean. You do not own the ocean and I can tell you that surfing is not causing any type of damage to your beach. I grew up there on the Outer Banks. It’s called Mother Nature. This has happened for hundreds of years. Nothing new and especially no reason to take away someone’s passion and joy.


    2. 1st it’s Mrs Royal and the officer involved knows this has been posted and it is in fact a lie! The photo has been photo shopped! And for the record I have lived on the coast all my life and watched the dunes be bulldozed down to have cottages built on them… Thanks have a nice evening


    3. The presence of hard structures do more to damage the ecosystems of the outerbanks than anything else.


    4. Bullshit,
      You built your cottage on the beach shame on you for distroying the dunes.
      You are so dumb be leaving all this bullcrap. Move somewhere else if you don’t like it. It America and a free country. You need to move on if you don’t like it


    5. Trufully, if u knew so much, the tide that happens to change cpl times a day, n.easterns, hurricanes, storms period change the beach. Surfers don’t. And why are u so racist to call surfers hippies???
      Let me guess, you call blacks the n word too..
      GROW UP!


  6. How stupid is this. So now they are gonna spend money to have the wave/surf police .. Look at Hawaii and all the surfing that goes on there. This is the most ridiculous thing I have heard…..


  7. Geeze this is nonsense, how about a law banning houses within a half mile of the beach. Y’all area starting to sound like those California idiots!


  8. O ya! well I’m putting a citizens band on marine fisheries they are over populating our coast line, beaches, fishing spots, waterways, and packing facilities


  9. This can’t be real. Totally illogical. Jetties, urbanization(building on the living barrier islands), commercial fishing and cargo boats, climate change and other things impact this loss of sand. You need to educate yourself on how barrier islands work. Sand flows from sound to ocean freely. When you build structures in the island you stop the back and forth. Idiot passed this law, if not totally fake. I don’t think even government can be this stupid. I am posting on a troll blog.


  10. It’s not “your” beach Jill b it’s the people’s beach and the people’s ocean and the people’s waves!!!!


  11. Hahaha. He said “my beach”. This sounds crazy. 3 waves is nothing. Should just say no surfing if its just 3 waves. Hippies love the ocean ya old fart. This cant be serious.


  12. As an old, frustrated, marginal longboarder I think it’s about high time to put these grommet punks in their place. My friends and I were shredding the faces off these waves when these children with “sleeve tatts” signifying their allegiance to Satan, we’re learning how to put their socks on. I’m sick of watching them hop up and down in a weak attempt to actually style. Thank you Marine Fisheries for getting these potato chip riding wave hogs flailing in all directions, out of the lineup. By the way-we’re also fed up with these weak sisters stealing our walkers while we we’re trying our best to paddle through the soup. That’s just wrong.


  13. All of you are stupid as fuxk and If u agree with this then just go on ahead and take away something else this only beach has for kids to do, no wonder they’re all out shooting heroine because they keep taking everything away, stupid I swear


  14. I have read the regulations, also passed was the total and complete barring of yankees on our coastline. The constant surf board cutting the water has caused a decline in recreational fish landings due to creating a open ditch in the water causing a fish trap which is illegal.

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  15. it’s called mother nature and people shoving dunes down not swimmers or surfers stupid people in this world I know that


  16. Jill B. You are full of s–t! This is stupidity at its best. I can’t believe you think riding a wave on a surfboard erodes the beach?!?! That is just laughable.


  17. I grew up in Cocoa Bch, and never heard of anything more crazy in my life, we would surf all day long some days its was a great life and a great place to grow up, what in the world is going on up there, its got to be a joke


  18. Jill B is messing with you all. If any of you thought this was even close to real i have an inlet bridge to sell you.


  19. I think it’s about time NC did something about Surfers hogging all our fat juicy waves.
    As a sponger, I am over having to share waves with the surfers. It is a proven fact that surf-boards are a major cause of errosion and lawlessness in our great state.
    As citizens, I believe we have an obligation to report those individuals we observe breaking this greatly needed new law.


  20. I can’t believe anyone would be so stupid as to believe that a surfer riding a wave causes erosion. What moron came up with this study? Maybe we should ban boats? Ships? If you believe a surfer can cause erosion, how about boat wakes. Should we ban kiteboards? Maybe we just shouldn’t swim either. The mass of a swimmer may disrupt longshore currents? Maybe we shouldn’t let anyone over 15o lbs. enter the ocean. They might displace enough water to cause higher tides that can flood oceanfront homes. What a bunch of morons


  21. If some of you looked in the dictionary for the word gullible, you would find a small mirror!


  22. Of course boat wakes cause erosion. Stop all the many boats from traveling in and out of Oregon Inlet for one summer and watch it shoal up and close. Anything that disrupts the normal flow of water causes erosion, stupid !
    Our beaches were not eroding before it got so developed and now we have to pay the price. It is sad. Our grandchildren may not have a beach. When the ocean reaches the mainland, what will we do? Hang our beach towels from the tree limbs? !!


  23. NC officials MUST have something better to do than count a suffers waves. This is taking away a gift of God that he has given some the ability to enjoy. I only wish I was young and agile enough to ride again. Keep Goverment out intervention out of surfing . Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  24. You all think this is some kind of big joke. I started a crowdfunding page just to pay off the fines from my surf session this morning. Like seriously… these cops cannot even count. I took 9 waves and he wants to charge me for 7 waves over the limit. I’m like so bringing this one to court.


  25. This is totally a fake article meant to fire people up. I had to comment on how stupid people must be to believe this. Saying surfing causes erosion is like saying a hurricane can’t create a new inlet in the OBX.


  26. This story whether fake or true will simply result in surfers hitting that area in masses just to make a point.


  27. I always thought there were stupid people here; now I know there are stupid people here.


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