Corolla Wild Horse Mauls Jim Cantore

Corolla – Veteran Weather Channel Report James “Jim” Cantore was attacked by wild horses while filming his new special “Tidal Waves and You.” The program examines the cataclysmic effect a tsunami would have on the east coast, an event which Cantore has repeatedly said is about 300 years overdue.

“We had the shot set up with the wild horses in the background to emphasize the point that animals are able to predict natural disasters,” said Weather Channel producer Steven Lucas.

“Jim was studying his lines before we started shooting when all of the sudden the horses just charged him!”

Key grip operator Ron Cameron said he was barely able to escape with his life.

“I saw them horses charge and I just yelled to Jim and then I dropped the key grip and was out of there. When I looked back I…I just couldn’t believe it. Even Jim’s giant arm muscles weren’t able to save him.”

Several other production crew members tried to warn Cantore, but he was apparently “in character” as the unflappable weather personality famous for braving hurricanes and tornados and refused to take sensible precautions. Cantore suffered multiple trampling-related injuries and was airlifted to Sentara Norfolk . He is expected to make a full recovery. Fortunately, no horses were injured during the trampling.

Wild Horse tour operator Jay Probst said that such attacks on celebrities are rare, however they are not without precedent. In 2004 wild horses trampled Andrew Dice Clay while the comedian was relieving himself in the ocean. In 1996 a pair of horses mauled actor Mel Gibson. Probst noted that the attack on Gibson happened “before (Gibson) was widely recognized as an asshat” but that, just as they are reliable barometers of inclement weather, the horses have a good sense about people.

“Don’t want to drive away business,” Probst said. “But if you are Kanye West, I wouldn’t come to Corolla anytime soon.”

50 thoughts on “Corolla Wild Horse Mauls Jim Cantore”

  1. The author of this is so full of it… “But if you are Kayne West” …yet every summer thousands of Cantores and Clays flood the beach littering ,cause cars accidents, and treating our locals like shit all the time… I’m glad you felt the need to use Kayne instead of being a writer and just say “Don’t want to drive business away but if you are a celebrity I wouldn’t come to Corolla..”


      1. talk about horse sense. The horse(s) just did not like that boy…… Many humans do not like him either.


    1. Get real people sorry someone got hurt But!!!! Horses are flight animals not attack animals they will only defend themselves that way if they feel threatened. Unreal


  2. As a seasoned weather man should have noticed extreme heat has effect on animals. Those are beautiful horses but are ‘wild’ and most likely getting tired of human evasion

    Liked by 2 people

    1. e·va·sion
      noun: evasion
      the action of evading something.
      “their adroit evasion of almost all questions”
      synonyms: avoidance, elusion, circumvention, dodging, sidestepping
      “the evasion of immigration control”
      an indirect answer; a prevaricating excuse.
      plural noun: evasions
      “the protestations and evasions of a witness”
      synonyms: prevarication, evasiveness, beating around the bush, hedging, pussyfooting, hemming and hawing, equivocation, vagueness, temporization; raretergiversation
      “she grew tired of all the evasion”


      1. Hey, jellybrain.. care to retract your statement. Read slower w/out moving your lips… Invasion? You are incorrect Sir.


      2. “Intrusion” is perhaps a better word. Jim did not come to “take over” Corolla from the horses. But he did step into territory that was not his.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t like Gibson’s domestic violence, but calling him an “assume hat,” and inferring that it was OK for him to be attacked, was just plain dumb.


  4. Me thinks that horses don’t maul when they attack, that is for lions and tigers and agressive monkeys. Horses pummel with their hooves.


  5. Why is it that people get upset when an animal that is wild and trying to survive in his habitat that we humans are greedy taking away from them bit by bit, until anything that walks on four legs will be eliminated. Will that make you all happy. Remember with out beast there will be no man.


  6. Been here numerous times, I love the off season. Late October. The horses are alway very friendly. Will be right in driveway when you get home, they don’t even move. But it is a very calm time of the year, maybe 10 family’s total in 15 miles on 4×4 beach. Love it.


  7. I do not think that photo was taken in Corolla. If it were Corolla, the ocean would be to the right of the photo, not too the left side. JMO.


    1. It would depend on which direction the cameraman was facing. It could be on either side of the photo……


  8. Also, every Corolla wild horse stallion that I have seen have much longer penises than this horse. Most of them hang all the way to the ground. I have photos to prove it.


  9. I could be really wrong, but this strikes me as utter nonsense. The photo is obviously photoshopped. The story seems to just be satire


  10. I wish people would just stay away from the horses. Wherever they go they get bothered. And stop feeding them too !! Humans can be so selfish. I guess they will want to move our horses further away now. Because of a human ‘ s ignorance.


  11. I have been very close to the Corolla horses when they were “free” to roam all over Corolla, and surrounding areas. I never touched them, as you are not allowed to do, but they would come right up to me, and my friend who owns a beach house in Sanderling. We were not a threat to these wonderful horses, and they knew that. I am also an equestrian, and have always loved and respected horses. Please do not blame the horses. They were there before humans and have been there for generations. 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Screwhim…He is on their turf. Freaking CRY BABY .. keep your ass away from wild animals,


  13. If you come upon one of those wild stallions who has his dong (penis) hanging down, be sure to stay a long way from him. 50 feet is too close !


  14. You know you’re supposed to (by law $500 fine if broken I believe) to stay 50 feet from the horses. Fun fact too its a $10,000 fine for feeding the wild horses in Corolla.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. People need to understand. Horses are very protective of their territory as well as their young. I know for a fact that there are babies in this herd right now. The stallion probably felt threatened. When people enter their environment , they need to be aware of their surroundings.


  16. Oh brother…some of these comments are just as funny and amusing to me as the actual “article”. I hope those slow people don’t find themselves getting mauled by a herd of turtles!


  17. So overwhelmed by the number of comments that I simply can’t comment except to say, OMG, I wanted more intelligent comments, why–why? And some recognition of satire–look it up people, PLEASE!


  18. You Kanye wanna be, get a life and learn respect for your sentinent relatives .
    They apparently disearned your character flaws.


  19. Most definitely photo shopped. The wild horse is sporting a sun bath on his left side while casting no shadow and Jim is in the shade by overcast skies. This is like everyone is saying….SATIRE…FAKE…NOT REAL… HELLO!


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